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Posted by CareerBuilder UK on 1 October 2015 in Workplace Issues, HR Glossary, Labour market | No Comment

HR-Glossary_YGeneration Y (also called "Millennials") refers to all people born between 1977 and 1998 – and is therefore the successor to Generation X.

Generation Y members are said to have the following characteristics:

  • Education: well educated, often being polytechnic or university graduates.

  • Affinity with technology: as so-called "digital natives" they have grown up with technological innovations (Internet, smartphones, tablets etc.).

  • Work-life balance: whilst enjoying work, for Generation Y members the balance between family, leisure time and career is more important than status and prestige.

  • Professional independence: they don't particularly like strict rules and hierarchies.

The views of Generation Y members are also reflected in their behaviour when applying for jobs. To successfully attract today's new talent and to stand out from the competition, companies should communicate their company values upfront on their career site. For example, publicise the fact that you value flexible working time or opportunities for self development. But Generation Y candidates also have high expectations about the application process itself: for example, it is not just important to have a career site optimised for mobile devices, but also to offer the possibility of applying by mobile phone or using a social media profile. Consider offering these additional features to make you application process even more straightforward.


Image: © Rawpixel, Ptich-ya, Margarita Tkachenko - shutterstock.com

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