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Recruiter Advice

CareerBuilder UK

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The multi-tasking manager: 5 Tips for better time management

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in Workplace Issues, Leadership, HR Management & Strategy | No Comment

Picture this: You’re managing a team of eight, and each one of them is working on multiple projects. As their leader, you’re challenged with not only ensuring the completion and quality of their work, but completing your own separate to-do list. So how can you possibly find the time to accomplish everything you need to do?

Time management is something with which we all struggle, especially when we’re constantly

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Say “yes” to no: 6 ways to say no at work and still get ahead

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in Workplace Issues, Leadership, Communication | No Comment

When did “no” become a four-letter word? It seems like only yesterday when Nancy Reagan was on a very special episode of “Diff’rent Strokes” to talk to Gary Coleman about the virtues of saying no. (Those were the days, eh?)

If only the former first lady were around today to speak with today’s working professionals about just saying no at work. In addition to steering them away from drugs, she could also advise them to

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HR Glossary: Talent Pipeline

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in HR Glossary, Candidate Attraction, Recruiting Workflow & Efficiency | No Comment

A talent pipeline (also candidate pool or talent pool) is a company database containing interesting applicant and employee profiles.

The idea of candidate pool is to make recruiting more efficient: if such a database exists, HR can search through it in advance of a job vacancy being published. Ideally, they will find the perfect candidate for the vacancy this way, and be able to approach them directly. This means recruiters can not

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KPIs part 2: Quality, not quantity

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in Recruiter Advice, Workplace Issues, HR Management & Strategy | 2 Comments

Good staff are always difficult to find - and even more difficult to keep. This job market development can have serious consequences for companies. Because highly motivated employees are essential for company success: with ever increasing competition, they often represent your most valuable resource.

So what can your HR people do to get your company (back) on top? A good starting point for building successful recruitment and employee

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12 August: International Youth Day - How to integrate European apprentices and trainees successfully into your organisation

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in Workplace Issues, Leadership, HR Management & Strategy | No Comment

International Youth Day highlights the issue of youth unemployment in the UK: the number of unemployed young people between the ages of 16 and 24 has risen by 8,000 in the last quarter - meaning that the unemployment rate for this age group is now 14.4 % - a shockingly high figure.

In Germany, youth unemployment is at 7.4% - the lowest in the EU by a long way. In contrast, in Spain more than half of all young people (55%)

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HR Glossary: Social Recruiting

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in HR Glossary, Recruiting Workflow & Efficiency, Social Media | No Comment

Social recruiting refers to recruitment via social networks (social media). HR professionals can use social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook for networking with potential employees. A distinction can be made between two approaches: actively talking to candidates via a social network (social distribution); and the passive placing of marketing campaigns (social profiling). Social distribution is used not only

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Turn potential candidates into your number one fans

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in Recruiter Advice, Candidate Attraction, Candidate Experience | No Comment

If you’ve ever known the pain of waiting for a certain phone call, email, text message or Tweet that just…never…comes (sad face emoticon), then you know the pain job candidates go through every time you go M.I.A. after the initial contact or interview.

Maybe you’re simply trying to avoid an awkward conversation, or perhaps you just haven’t made a decision yet – however innocent the reason

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HR Glossary: Return on Training Investment (Training ROI)

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in HR Glossary, Recruiting Workflow & Efficiency, HR Management & Strategy | No Comment

Return on training investment (Training ROI) describes the relationship between investment and return in training and development. The figure is calculated as follows:

ROI in % = ((Benefits – Costs)/ Costs) * 100

The "benefit" is often difficult to quantify: for example, it may be based on knowledge, performance, motivation, willingness to

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30th July: International Day of Friendship - Friendships at Work

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in Workplace Issues, Leadership, Employer Branding | No Comment

Why the International Day of Friendship on 30 July is also important for companies is obvious - at least to social scientists. Scientific opinion argues that friendships generally develop as a result of regular contact and having things in common, such as the same education, similar interests, values and goals. This makes the workplace fertile ground for friendships.

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7 Best practices to get your people excited about meetings

Posted by CareerBuilder UK in Workplace Issues, Leadership | No Comment

You, as a good leader, are always creating a vision for your business (or department) and take pride in sharing that vision with your people. On a daily basis you ensure that the right tools are in place and that information is consistently communicated – allowing your people to do their jobs as efficiently and effectively as possible.

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